Aspose Modern Slavery Statement

Last updated: 12 November 2024

For the Financial Year Ending 2024

1. Introduction

This Modern Slavery Statement is made pursuant to the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) for the financial year ending 2024. It outlines the steps Aspose Pty Ltd has taken to address modern slavery risks within our operations and supply chains.

2. Structure, Operations, and Supply Chains

Aspose Pty Ltd (Aspose) is a market-leading software development company that offers award-winning APIs for creating, editing, converting, or rendering various file formats such as Office, OpenOffice, PDF, Images, ZIP, CAD, XPS, EPS, and PSD. Our APIs support multiple platforms, including .NET, Java, C++, Python, PHP, Xamarin, and Android, along with reporting solutions for Microsoft SharePoint and rendering extensions for SQL Server Reporting Services and JasperReports.

Our operations include software development, sales and marketing, and customer support. We are trusted by thousands of companies for our products’ performance, stability, and adaptability. We are committed to conducting business with integrity and in compliance with all applicable Australian laws and regulations.

Our supply chains involve procurement of software tools, licenses, and platforms from reputable and established technology suppliers.

3. Risks of Modern Slavery Practices

We acknowledge that modern slavery can occur in various forms. While we consider the risk within our direct operations to be low due to the professional nature of our workforce and the regulatory environments in which we operate, we remain aware of potential risks in our supply chains.

4. Actions Taken to Assess and Address Risks

We have implemented the following measures:

Supplier Selection: We endeavor to work with suppliers that uphold ethical labor practices and comply with modern slavery laws.

Ethical Commitment: We are committed to supporting ethical business practices and expect our suppliers to share this commitment.

Employee Education: We educate our employees about modern slavery standards to ensure they are aware of these issues and understand our commitment to ethical practices.

5. Assessing the Effectiveness of Actions

We assess the effectiveness of our actions by:

Ongoing Awareness: Staying informed about industry developments related to modern slavery risks.

Supplier Engagement: Communicating with our suppliers to ensure adherence to ethical standards.

Regular Review: We regularly review our standards and practices to ensure they remain appropriate and effective for our company.

6. Consultation with Owned or Controlled Entities

We have consulted with the entities we own and control in the preparation of this statement. All entities are aligned with our commitment to preventing modern slavery.

7. Approval

This Modern Slavery Statement was approved by the Board of Directors of Aspose Pty Ltd on 01.01.2024.

By making this statement publicly available, we reaffirm our commitment to ethical business practices and the eradication of modern slavery.